A Tale of Two Passes: An Inquiry into Certain Alpine Literature

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Putnam, William L., Co-published by The American Alpine Club, The Alpine Club of Canada and The International Association of Alpine Societies (UIAA), 2008


Written by AAC Honorary President William L Putnam, "this text is devoted to that pair of passes: the Mont Cenis and the Great Saint Bernard. Both of these mountain crossings appear to have been known and used from pre-Roman times.  Both were prominently and frequently used by the Romans inestablishing and maintaining their empire; both were long adorned with hospice/shelters near their crests; and both have been by-passed by modern tunnels but are still crossed by paved highways. Despite these similiarites, their historic prominence derives from distinctly different events and factors. Herein lies the histories of these passes and stories of many travelers amongst the Alps - told as much as possible in their own words." (book jacket blurb)

Member price: $23.96


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